Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

At Branif Auto, we understand that cars are comprised of numerous components, and while we strive to list as many parts as possible, there are instances where specific items may not appear in our current inventory online. If you are unable to find a particular part you need, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Our knowledgeable team is readily available to help locate the exact part for your vehicle. We have extensive resources and connections to ensure we can find and supply the component you require quickly and efficiently.

At Branif Auto, we are committed to providing high-quality auto parts with the assurance of reliability. Please review our warranty terms carefully:

  • Engines and Transmissions: We offer a 30-day warranty on engines and transmissions. This warranty does not cover labor costs or accessories.
  • Gaskets, Seals, and Specific Parts: There is no warranty on gaskets, seals, water pumps, timing belts, or similar parts.
  • Other Mechanical Parts: A one-day warranty applies to all other mechanical parts.
  • Electrical Parts: There is no warranty on electrical parts.
  • Tampering and Misuse: The warranty is void if there is evidence of tampering or overheating.
  • Claims and Returns: All claims and returned goods must be accompanied by the original receipt. There are no exceptions to this policy.

For any questions regarding our warranty or if you require further assistance, please contact our customer service team. We aim to ensure that your experience with our products meets your expectations.

Return Policy

At Branif Auto, we strive to ensure clarity and fairness in all our customer transactions. Please note the following stipulations regarding returns and refunds:

  • Items to Be Cut: There are no warranties or refunds for items that are to be cut or have been cut.
  • Deposits: Refunds on deposits are not available after 15 days.
  • Refunds: We do not offer cash refunds. All sales are eligible for exchange or store credit only.
  • Restocking Fee: A restocking fee of 25% applies to all returned parts.
  • Returned Checks: There is a $39.00 charge for all returned checks.
  • Return Merchandise: Returns are subject to our discretion, with options limited to replacement or store credit.

If you have any questions about our return policy or need further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact our customer service team. We are here to help you with your purchase decisions.

At Branif Auto, all purchases are subject to applicable state and local taxes. We are committed to complying with tax laws and ensure that taxes are calculated based on the delivery address associated with your order. If you are a reseller with a valid resale tax certificate, you may be eligible for a tax exemption on your purchases. Please provide us with your resale tax certificate when placing your order, so we can process your exemption. Should you have any questions about how taxes are applied, or if you need assistance with submitting your tax exemption documents, please reach out to our customer service team. We’re here to assist you every step of the way.

At Branif Auto, we are pleased to offer international shipping services for our parts, with some exceptions based on location and item specifics. We strive to accommodate as many international customers as possible, but please be aware that certain restrictions may apply depending on the destination country and the nature of the parts being shipped. If you have any questions about our shipping policies or need assistance with placing an international order, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. Our team is here to provide you with all the information you need and to help ensure your shopping experience is as smooth as possible.

If you are looking to sell your vehicle to Branif Auto, please ensure the following requirements are met:

  • Vehicle Title: Must be present and in your possession at the time of sale.
  • Matching Information: The license must match the name and details on the title.
  • Clear Title: The title should be free of any liens, other owners, or claims.
  • No Outstanding Fees: Ensure there are no unpaid loans or DMV fees associated with the vehicle.
  • Payment to Title Holder: Payment will be issued strictly to the individual or entity named on the title, without exceptions.

For your convenience, you can initiate the process by submitting photos of your vehicle through email or by reaching out to us on WhatsApp at +1 (305) 638-9956.